So, I sez to myself, "Hey, Salvez. Why don't you actually post something on this blog of yours so you can become part of that trendy blogging community on the interweb?". Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention and didn't bother to answer.
<----That's an emu.
I think one of the problems I have with blogging or writing in general is that I am like a 12 year-old with ADD. I see something shiny to my right and get distracted quite easily. Or, I see an emu to my left and find the randomness funny. I cannot seem to hold a thought very long or I cannot type a consistent story or I am grammatically terrifying and use very long run-on sentences.
Perhaps, I should outline my thoughts before writing. For example, I could write about my day yesterday.
I. Morning
A. Woke up
1. Rolled over and continued to sleep until 10 a.m.
B. Woke up again.
1. Thought about doing some sit-ups. Dozed off.
C. Woke up yet again (riveting!)
1. Rolled out of bed, read a text, and stumbled to the loo.
D. Bathroom stuff (yada, yada, yada)
E. Turned on laptop.
1. Checked email, Flickr, did some top-secret government stuff, made coffee.
2. Photoshoped pictures for Photoshelter and Flickr accounts.
a. Waited for money to roll in from photos. Still waiting.
3. Turned on tellie and drank coffee while watching a show about a haunting in Conneticut.
II. Afternoon.
A. More of the same until work @ 3:30.
B. Things went downhill from there.
And that's where I will leave you. Suspenseful, I know. Quite telling of why I'm not a published novelist, as well. But hey, I'll give a try on a more daily basis.
1 comment:
Aw MAN! I was REALLY looking forward to finding out what happened after you got to work. For instance, was it the video store or the movie theater? What movie are they playing? Did you take any fotos? What are people renting these days? And yes, the eagle and the shark was pretensious. See? you just gotta keep going.
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